
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
#12 The Lion King Trailer Ruined my Childhood
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Today's podcast is about
So if any of you out there know how to write music, or want to make us a fun intro song, let us know! It was Dan's job. . but he failed at it!
1:55 West Michigan Pet Expo
So last week Jess took her dogs to the West Michigan Pet Expo. People got a chance to meet the dogs of Gone to the Snow Dogs (and Jess and Jamie of course). She tells us about their private "green room", how fun it was to meet so many of their fans and audience members, and how this expo was different then some of the other ones they have been to.
Check out the Short Recap of the Expo Here
Check out the Vlogs of the entire Trip to the Expo
If you are near Toronto, Canada, THIS coming weekend Jess, Jamie, Memphis and Shelby will be at the Canadian Pet Expo! April 19th - 21st you can find them there each day from 11am - 3pm at their little meet and greet booth! Find out more information here: Canadian Pet Expo
Jess talks a bit about how this is her first time going to Canada and being excited to check it out and see new things!
13:17 The Trailer for The Lion King
Some people on the internet are up in arms about the trailer for the new verison of The Lion King. They feel like it has ruined their entire childhood. What do Dan and Jess think? Let's find out! What are your thoughts? Do you think the new 2019 version of The Lion King is going to ruin the original? Are you excited for it?
Speaking of movie remakes, the topic changes to some of the other remakes that Disney is planning and has done. Alice and Wonderland, Dumbo, The Jungle Book, Aladdin, so many of the older Disney movies are now being recreated and brought into today's world as updated beautiful cinematic computer generated movies. Do you think this is a good idea?
Jess puts a question off to you. If you could have Disney take any of their older animated movies and turn them into something updated and computer generated or live action movie? Let us know in the comments below!
23:05 PewdiePie Vs T-Series
As of recording this podcast, PewdiePie was back on top in subscribers. Dan and Jess discuss Pewdiepie's new song, Congratulations, that he released after T-Series had held the top spot on YouTube for more then 72 hours. The song launched Pewdiepie back to the top, and T-Series is not happy about it.
Click here to see the Congratulations Video: Congratulations Music Video
T-Series has issues a cease and desist order against Pewdiepie and want him to take the music video down. As of today, the music video has been remove from being seen in all of India. Let's put the question off to you. Who do you think will hit 100,000,000 subscribers first?
The YouTube topic starts to switch to YouTubers who think making these HUGE videos with millions of Pennies, giving away cars, and other shock value videos. Is this the new YouTube? Is this what people expect now?
That's all for now! See you next week!
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Show Hosts Info:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs