
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
#14 Memories of Senior Prom and The Canadian Trip
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Sorry about the strange audio blips today. We aren't sure what the deal was. As you all know, this is still a learning experience!
First up, we flashback to the previous Podcast where we talk about Old Town Road and if it's country or not. It was so great to read the comments you guys left with your opinion on the topic! We love hearing your opinions!
2:39 The Game of Throne Minute
Dan give his Game of Thrones Recap for the Podcast! Jess doesn't watch GOT, so this is how she gets caught up on a show she has no interest in. Dan let's us know what his favorite moment of the show was.
4:30 PewdiePie vs T-Series Updates
In PewdiePie news, is he still leading the march to 100 Million Subscribers? Will he win the race? As of today, he is not winning. But only time will tell what is to come! What do you think? Is it over?
6:15 It's Time for Prom! Blake is all ready!
Dan's son, Blake is going to Prom! Dan and Jess reminisce about their own Prom experiences. Dan had a vastly different experience then Jess did. As promised, here are some photos from each of our Prom Dances. Did you go to Prom? What was your experience like? We would love to know!
Here is Dan all dressed up for the Dance being silly with his Mom
Jess and Jamie's Prom photo from May, 1998. This was their senior prom.
And as requested, The Wedding Announcement From Jess and Jamie's wedding.
21:40 Happy Birthday YouTube
It's YouTube's Birthday! How long have you been on YouTube? Dan and Jess talk about the very first video uploaded to YouTube, and about how long they have been using the platform and how long they have been creating on the platform.
26:43 Jamie and Jess took the dogs to Canada
Jess and Jamie took the dogs to Canada to the Canadian Pet Expo! They had a good experience. Jess talks about how Canadian's don't drive like people in the states. Jess also tired to figure out the way the locals pronounce Toronto. It seems not even the locals all say it correctly. They tried Pountine, and Ketchup Chips!
Dan has lots of questions about the experience that Jess had at the Expo, from meeting people to being afraid dogs might fight. So find out the answers to some of these questions!
Click Here for the Playlist of Canada Videos with Snow Dogs Vlogs
And that's all we have for today! We hope you enjoyed the episode! See you next week!
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Show Hosts Info:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs