
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
#23 Cross Country with 3 Huskies | Petcon California
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
This is a last minute Podcast! We recorded, edited and uploaded it today! Go us!
The podcast today starts off with us talking about Blake (Dan's son), getting his wisdom teeth out. Do any of you remember your wisdom teeth extraction experience? This conversation leads us down the road of everything that can go wrong when having your wisdom teeth pulled, and dry sockets and being on drugs. Also, why haven't our teeth evolved to fix this issue of everyone needing wisdom teeth pulled?
6:10 Road trip with 3 Huskies to California
It's time to talk about our Road Trip! For those of you that don't know, my husband Jamie and I, and our 3 huskies, did a Cross Country Road Trip from Northern Michigan, to Los Angeles, California to go to Petcon. From there we drove north into Washington State and then came back across.
If you want to see the vlogs of the ENTIRE Trip the playlist can be found here:
Our first stop as we drove to LA was Block Bikes to visit with Dan, Crystal and Blake for a bit. The dogs got to check out Block Bikes! It was really fun. Then the next day was Petcon! Only on the podcast will you hear the real behind the scenes of the Hotel that we stayed at in Downtown LA, and the hard part of being in Downtown LA with Country Dogs. I really wasn't trying to complain in the Podcast, but I wanted to get out the reality of what it was like trying to be in Downtown LA, with three huskies. I do not advise anyone try it! It was hard on my country dogs for sure! Thankfully, we were only there for one evening, and by the next day we were out of there!
Next we talk about Petcon and all the insanity that went along with it. It was crazy. There were a lot of people in a small space. It was a long day for the dogs and it ended up getting hot pretty quick. Our meet and greet started off in direct sunlight, but they quickly brought us an umbrella and fixed our situation and got us into the shade, and that really helped. The temperature was only 72, but in direct sunlight it was crazy. We had lots of water available to them, and us. Dan kept refilling the bottles, which was epic. Crystal helped us pass out our stickers to everyone. The help we got from Dan and Crystal for the event was outstanding!
After the meet and greet we bailed Petcon and headed back to the nice hotel. Dan and I got lost trying to find Del Taco. And once we found it, we ordered a lot of food from there. It was Jamie and I's first time having Del Taco actually! We didn't say anything, but I did try the beyond meat taco, and it was really good!
Dan and Crystal spent the night at the hotel with us so we could hang out longer. Dan even got to help walk the dogs!
Instagram Stories of the Trip:
Gone to the Snow Dogs:
Part 1: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17854627597448031/
Part 2: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17959366477283441/
Snow Dogs Vlogs:
Dan swoons over the breakfast the next morning at the Home2 Suites hotel. And he's not wrong. Jamie and I enjoyed that breakfast almost everyday during our trip! It was a good start to just about everyday of the trip!
We left the LA area and headed north! Our first stop was the Redwoods! I still can't believe Dan hasn't been there. The redwoods are hard to explain. We were just in awe of everything we saw!
The dogs got to see the ocean and walk in the ocean!
From Northern California, we headed all the way up into Washington. We got to visit with our fellow creator friends Joel (JoeltheGeek on Instagram) and Di (RealBeal on YouTube). And went from there into Montana! Petrified wood I found in Montana.
All in all the trip was amazing. I can't wait to do it all over again! And hey, let us know if you are going to Vidcon as we would love to say hi in person!
Podcast Notes brought to you by Jess
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Show Hosts Info:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs