
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
#27.5 The Broken Audio Podcast
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
So this Podcast for some reason, had junk audio. But it was such a great episode, we wanted to share it anyway. So consider this, a bonus episode! It sounds like there is a fan running in the background, and we cleaned it up as good as we could. Thanks to our friend Brad, who you can find everywhere at CrazyBrad13 for helping us clean this up a bit for you.
Today we start off talking about how hot it is. Humidity vs a Dry heat. Which do you choose? We also talk a bit about the dogs needing a pool. I know we live in the state of lakes, but wouldn't a pool for the dogs be great! I did talk about taking the dogs to the lake after the Podcast, and we DID end up doing that! You can see that vlog here:
The conversation quickly spins to TikTok. Which by the way, are you following us on TikTok? You can find Dan at RFSDan and mine are GonetotheSnowDogs and SnowDogsVlogs . The discussion about how TikTok works, how recycling content for TikTok can work. Dan had uploaded a video to TikTok and it flopped, so he reuploaded to match a trend that was happening and it did way better! You can find that TikTok here:
11:25 YouTube Space
Dan get's to go to the YouTube Space in L.A. ! For those of you that may not know, YouTube Space is a place where creators can go to different creator based events, and you can also rent out rooms for filming videos and sometimes even use their products to film your content. Dan went with Camille from Meeler Husky to learn about Adobe's newest editing program. They got free food, and met some other creators! It sounded like a good time! I still haven't gone to a YouTube space myself, so it was interesting to see what Dan learned and saw while he was there.
19:14 Jennelle Eliana
Have you hear about the Van life girl who grew over 1.5 million subscribers in less then 3 weeks? It happened! Dan and I decide to give our opinions and thoughts on how this could have happened.
36:00 The YouTube Kids Crackdown
The FTC and COPPA is cracking down on YouTube Kids! YouTube has been changing a lot of things when it comes to kids content. They are cracking down hard, changing how channels operate and slowly killing off kids channels. The government standards that have been in place for the past years on TV are now coming down hard on sites like YouTube, and TikTok. What are your thoughts on all of this?
Have you heard that Lightning Bugs are becoming less and less? Have you ever seen a lightning bug? Somehow this conversation goes to Mud Puppies. Have you ever seen a Mud Puppy?

The Mud Puppy conversation makes the conversation turn to all the crazy animals and critters that we have here in Michigan, such as snapping turtles, and wolverines!
Podcast Notes by Jess
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Show Hosts Info:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rfsdan
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@snowdogsvlogs