
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
#6: I Was On A Train Once, Not with Momo
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
This week our Heroes talk about being stuck on a train, Momo challenge, the new GoPro 7, Spotify Playlists, and well... death.
We start of today talking about the recent Momo Challenge. Momo is somewhat of an internet hoax that the media has blown up, and now people are replicating the hoax and scaring children on YouTube. Momo is in videos targeted at children, and she pops up and tells children to do scary things! She is showing up on the YouTube kids app. So we talk a bit about how the YouTube kids app is not a babysitter. We also talk about how people believe that Momo can show up in any video, when in reality, those videos are edited before they are uploaded to YouTube.
Next we switch topics and talk about GoPro. From the short story of how Jess bought a GoPro Fusion, and it never worked and she had to fight to return it, to GoPro’s redemption with the release of the GoPro Hero 7 Black, which, she bought and is in love with. The GoPro was used to film Dogs doing Snow Agility which you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A14WUAB6bLI
During this discussion, we also find out that Dan has never played with Orbeez before! We talk about what would happen if we put Orbeez outside during winter. Would they freeze and burst? Would they just turn to mush? Maybe we will find out in a future episode.
And then the topics switch to the Amtrak Train that was stuck for over 36 hours on the train tracks, while full of people. The people were running low on food, but they did have heat and bathrooms. This brought us to the I was on a Train once topic. When you fall off your train of thought, or your train of thought falls off track. So we try to find the origin of this saying.
Talking about the train, switches us into talk about the massive amount of snow Michigan has been getting and the recent blizzard that cause a few people on snow machines to become stuck deep in the woods in large amounts of snow. Two of them were saved by locals, and the other two broke into a little hut and made it through the night.
Then we switch to talking about new release music from Grandson, and Bad Flower, which spins us into talk about Spotify playlists, including songs to play at Jess’s funeral!
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Show Hosts Info:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs