Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
South Park at the Denver Broncos Game! #90
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Before we start the show. Gone to the Snow Dogs is less than 8k subscribers away from 1'000'000!!! Please show your love for the Snow Dogs by telling a friend and sharing the Pawsome videos. Together we can do it! https://www.youtube.com/user/GoneToTheSnowDogs
This week our Heroes start the show with some surprising news. The CCMouse Podcast will also be in video form. Starting with this very episode!! You can find the video version of this podcast on our YouTube page at the same time here: https://www.youtube.com/ccmousepodcast Let us know what you think.
To promote the upcoming season of South Park, The Denver broncos displayed the entire town of south park in their stands. This is so cool and the first to do this style of marketing. Look how awesome it is to see them all in the stands.
Dan tries to convince Jess that she needs a 12' tall skeleton in her front yard. Jess is concerned about where she will store it. Dan thinks she should bury the body.
Our Heroes review the Challenger: Final Flight documentary. This was a great documentary and we think you should watch it. Dan tells stories about working at NASA when the Space Shuttle Discovery crashed.
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Merch https://teespring.com/stores/cc-mouse-podcast
Show Hosts Info:
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rfsdan
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RFSDan
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/RFSDan
Jess from Snow Dogs Vlogs
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SnowDogsVlogs